LinkedIn agencies You may get 10k’s of followers through viral posts on LinkedIn. LinkedIn agencies get good money. The demand is strong and they can pay you.
Nocode SAAS nocode/low code is all the trend now.
YC-funded startups the best startups in the world! they’ve got cash and they have the hunger for growth.
tech-focused PR firms with all these layoffs happening, Big Tech is hiring Big PR for Big Tech PR. Get a piece of that.
noise-cancelling softwares with all these zoom meets and these busy at-home lives, the demand for noise-cancelling SAAS is huge. Prospect those :)
podcast agencies Podcast-starting is still very much popular. Podcast agencies are great clients.
chrome-ext software agency software agencies making Chrome apps may be interesting for you to hit up :)
Bonus: content agencies Content agencies that’d produce blogs like this one! Content is king. These are great clients.